We want stories like this happening
all day and every day! Eva now gets to go out of the house a bit since her lab counts are high enough to be around other people. I took her to a local coffee shop to get a cupcake. She waved at Ritchie, the man behind the counter we'd met the prior week.
Eva: "Ritchie...did the hair fairy visit you?" Ritchie is completely bald, perhaps a fashion statement, perhaps being a chef, but nonetheless: bald. Ritchie: Not batting an eye, "Yes! She did visit me." Eva: Whipping off her hoodie with both hands, "Me Too!" Ritchie knelt down next to her. Eva: "I am waiting a long time for my big girl hair to grow in." Ritchie: "It takes a long time." Eva raises her hand toward his head. "Would you like to feel my head?" He bows his head down to her hand. Eva: "Yes," and she gently rubs his head and then her own and beams. "We are the same!" Ritchie: "We ARE the same!" Eva: "The tooth fairy will visit me next." She points to her teeth. Ritchie: "That's true, but now the hair fairy is doing her work!" He is still kneeling and Eva feels his head again. They wave and say bye to each other. (Pass the tissues.) |
a word from the author...
We knew our story would be for kids with cancer. We knew our story would be for parents fighting cancer who have small children needing to have something to believe in and find hope. And now, after this conversation between Ritchie and Eva, we know this story is also for the rest of us. Imagine how great it will be if more people know about The Legend of the Hair Fairies and the actual fairies themselves so that the next time anyone sees a young brave warrior, they will also have the words and confidence to compliment them on their beautiful, radiant bald heads visited by The Hair Fairies.
We are asking that you participate in our project! And we are inviting you to do so! We need donations of all kinds. Our project thus far was started through Kickstarter and we have since used that money to do what we promised; produce the story and give the books out for free. But we want to do so much more! We have been invited to travel to hospitals for launch parties, we want to make t-shirts, we want fairy gear and party bags, and we need your generous donations to keep getting these books into the hands of our brave patients! Mostly we want to be able to continue touching the lives of these patients and their families and making a difference for them! Every bit helps. Every person out there needs to know that #hairfairiesarereal and this movement starts with you!